Research of antibacterial properties of cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum saturated with chlorhexidine solution


  • T. Yu. Charkivskyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • O. V. Avdeev I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



periodontics, periodontal insertions, antiseptic, chlorhexidine, xenotissues, cryolyophilization, xenoperitoneum, antibacterial properties, bacteriostatic effect, bactericidal effect


Summary. Antiseptics are widely used in various areas of medicine, particularly in periodontology. At the moment, chlorhexidine is considered the "gold standard" of antiseptics in this area of dentistry.

The aim of the study – to determine whether cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum saturated with chlorhexidine has antiseptic properties strong enough to be used as periodontal insertions during periodontal treatment of dental patients, and to determine optimal chlorhexidine concentration in said insertions.

Materials and Methods. Experiments were conducted via methods of wells-diffusion into agar and serial dilutions in liquid nutrient medium. Insertions, manufactured from cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum, saturated with 2.5 %, 5%, 10 % and 20 % chlorhexidine bigluconate solutions were tested. Same experiments were performed with insertions that didn’t undergo saturation process.

Results and Discussion. In conclusion results were as follows: Cryolyophilized xenoperitoneal insertions saturated with 20 % solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, 10% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, 5 % of chlorhexidine bigluconate and 2.5 % of chlorhexidine bigluconate possess adequate antimicrobial and antifungal effectiveness. Simultaneously, xenoperitoneums innate antiseptic properties are too weak to be used as a sole antiseptic agent in periodontal treating protocols.

Conclusions. Insertions, saturated with 10 % and 20 % chlorhexidine bigluconate solutions, were chosen for further studies.


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How to Cite

Charkivskyi, T. Y., & Avdeev, O. V. (2023). Research of antibacterial properties of cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum saturated with chlorhexidine solution. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 9–16.



Terapeutic stomatology