Evaluation of standard treatment for patients with chronic generalized periodontitis
periodontium, periodontitis, dental deposits, plaque index, bleeding index, periodontal chartAbstract
Summary. The effectiveness of standard treatment for patients with chronic generalized periodontitis was evaluated. After treatment according to the standard protocol, patients were reevaluated after 8 weeks. The study used the simplified plaque test (O'Leary index), gingival bleeding index, and a periodontal chart was completed. It was found that treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis according to the standard protocol is an effective way to improve the condition of periodontal tissues and reduce the risk of further disease development.
The aim of the study – to evaluate standard treatment in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis.
Materials and methods. The study included 30 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis, 15 of whom were diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of grade I-II, and 15 with chronic generalized periodontitis of grade II–III [1]. During the initial visit, clinical examination was performed with determination of the simplified plaque test (O'Leary index), bleeding on probing index, and filling out of the periodontal chart. Treatment was then carried out according to the standard scheme. The patients were re-examined after 8 weeks.
Results and Discussion. During the primary examination of 30 patients aged 24 to 72 years, they were divided into two subgroups: group I – patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of stages I–II aged 24–45 years, n=15; group II – patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of stages II–III aged 45–73 years, m=15. The mean value of dental plaque index among patients in group I was 49.8 %, while in group II it was 64.3 %. The mean value of gingival sulcus depth among patients in group I (1–3 mm) was 58.2 %, while the mean value of periodontal pocket depth at 4–5 mm was 41.8 %, and the mean value of bleeding on probing before treatment was 40.1 %. Among patients in group II, the mean value of gingival sulcus depth (1–3 mm) was 53.2 %, while the mean value of periodontal pocket depth at 4–5 mm was 36.6 %, and the mean value of pocket depth >6 mm was 10.3 %, and the mean value of bleeding on probing before treatment was 53.57 %. After treatment, the mean value of dental plaque index among patients in group I was 35.2 %, bleeding index was 15.9 %, gingival sulcus depth at 1–3 mm was 81.2 %, while the mean value of periodontal pocket depth at 4–5 mm was 18.9 %. Among patients in group II, the mean value of dental plaque index was 53.1 %, bleeding index was 36.93 %, the mean value of gingival sulcus depth (1–3 mm) was 66.5 %, while the mean value of periodontal pocket depth at 4–5 mm was 29.1 %, and the mean value of pocket depth >6 mm was 4.4 %.
Conclusions. The treatment administered to patients who were enrolled in a clinical study and diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis, according to the standard treatment made it possible to improve the level of individual hygiene, reduce bleeding and the depth of periodontal pockets.
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