Assessment of the degree of mineralization of newly created bone tissue in the fracture area in victims of different psychosomatic personality types by orthopantomogram
newly formed bone tissue in the fracture area, mineralization, extrovertsAbstract
Summary. A developed method of assessing the degree of mineralization of the newly formed bone tissue of the lower jaw in the fracture area using the Photoshop CC 2014 program based on orthopantomograms. Different degrees and rates of its mineralization were established in persons with different psychosomatic personality types.
The aim of the study – to develop a method of assessing the degree of mineralization of newly formed bone tissue in the fracture area using orthopantomograms using the Photoshop CC 2014 program and to investigate the rate of mineralization of newly formed bone tissue in the fracture area in different periods of bone wound healing in individuals with different psychosomatic personality types.
Materials and Methods. 26 victims aged 18 to 23 with traumatic open one-sided fractures of the lower jaw in the area of the corner were selected for the study. Treatment was carried out by intraoral osteosynthesis with tooth extraction from the fracture line. According to Eysenck's method, the victims were divided into two groups – extroverts and introverts.
Results and Discussion. Research results show that the density of the healthy area of the lower jaw in the area of the corner in pixels varies between 125–187 units and differs in individuals with different psychosomatic types. When studying the rate of mineralization of newly formed bone tissue in the fracture area in extroverts and introverts, the fact of slowing down the recovery of bone tissue in the fracture area was noted. Complete mineralization of newly formed bone tissue on the 28th day after surgery does not occur in both compared groups. However, the rates of mineralization in extroverts as a percentage compared to the healthy side were higher than in introverts.
Conclusions. Assessment of the degree of mineralization of newly formed bone tissue in the fracture area using orthopantomograms using the Photoshop CC 2014 program is a sufficiently informative method of research, which made it possible to establish that the level of mineralization of healthy bone tissue of the lower jaw, as well as newly formed bone tissue in the area of a fracture of the lower jaw after operative interference, is higher in extroverts.
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