Clinical effectiveness of permanent dental caries primary prevention for 10–13 years old children


  • H. V. Sorochenko O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
  • L. O. Khomenko O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
  • O. I. Ostapko O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv



children, caries, permanent teeth, resistance, enamel


Summary. Diseases of the hard tissues of the tooth of various genesis are currently one of the main problems of modern dentistry. In Ukraine, the relevance of studying the condition of the hard tissues of permanent teeth is determined by the high prevalence and intensity of caries, especially in the first years after the eruption of permanent teeth.

The aim of the study – to assess the effectiveness of the developed scheme for exogenous dental caries' prevention of permanent teeth for 10–13 years old children, taking into account the degree of enamel mineralization.

Materials and Methods. Clinical and laboratory research of 393 children aged from 10 to 13 years. During the examination, the KPV caries index, the index of the highest caries intensity (SiC-index), the prevalence and intensity of focal demineralization of enamel, the Green-Vermillion oral hygiene index (ONI-S), the increase in intensity and the reduction in the increase in the intensity of dental caries were determined.

Results. The results of the proposed scheme's clinical study for the primary prevention of permanent teeth' dental caries for 10–13 years old children during two years of observations indicate a significantly low increase in the intensity of permanent teeth' dental caries in the main group (0.23±0.04), high rates of reduction for permanent dental caries' intensity increasing (69 %), a low increase in the intensity of acute early permanent teeth' caries (0.05–0.14) and a significant increasing in the level of caries resistance for the permanent teeth' enamel – 3.57 ± 0.37, a decrease in the number of demineralization spots (5.6–9.3 %), an increase in the caries resistance of hard tissues of permanent teeth to a high level (by 59.4 %), an increase in the mineralizing potential of the oral fluid due to an increase in the amount of fluorine (by 1.55–1,73 times) and calcium (24.4–28.8 %) (р<0.05).

Conclusions. The effectiveness of the developed scheme for permanent dental caries' primary prevention for 10–13 years old children is proved.


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How to Cite

Sorochenko, H. V., Khomenko, L. O., & Ostapko, O. I. (2022). Clinical effectiveness of permanent dental caries primary prevention for 10–13 years old children. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 42–48.



Children’s stomatology