The current situation of the problem of the intraradicular resorption of the tooth

(literature review)


  • D. V. Dobrovolskyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • N. O. Gevkaliuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



pathological resorption, remineralization therapy, intraradicular resorption of the tooth


Summary. The review presents an analysis of studies devoted to the problem of the intraradicular resorption of the tooth, methods of its diagnosis and treatment. Special attention is paid to the analysis of experimental and clinical studies, devoted to the formation of resistance of the tooth dental tissue to the action of cariogenic factors. One of the urgent problems of modern dentistry for today is the problem of developing of measures of influence on the reparative dentinogenesis and osteogenesis. However, such studies are not numerous, most of those which are investigated by us relate to external resorption of root of the tooth, while internal resorption of the tooth dental tissue is equally problematic for the practicing dentist.

The aim of the study – to analyze the data of scientific sources of the literature on intra-root resorption of the tooth, methods of its diagnosis and treatment in the practice of therapeutic dentistry.

Materials and Methods. The bibliosemantic method was used to clarify the state of the problem, study the analysis of the results of previous scientific research based on literature sources and electronic resources.

Results and Discussion. The review describes internal resorption in detail - destruction of the intraradicular dentin and dentin tubules along of the walls of the canalis radicis, as well as the resorptive process in the alveolaris processus of the jaw bones. Such pathological resorption occurs after traumatic injuries, orthodontic movement of teeth or as a result of chronic infections of the pulp or structures of the periodontal. Demonstrated the possibility of early diagnosis and experience in the use of new drugs that are effective in the treatment of internal resorption. However, for their widespread introduction into clinical practice, reliable clinical evidence and further randomized clinical trials are necessary.

Conclusions. The problem of intra-root resorption of a tooth requires a comprehensive study of the mechanisms of its occurrence and development, as well as the search and introduction into clinical practice of new highly effective treatment and prevention methods.


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How to Cite

Dobrovolskyi, D. V., & Gevkaliuk, N. O. (2022). The current situation of the problem of the intraradicular resorption of the tooth: (literature review). CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 13–22.



Terapeutic stomatology