Systemic diseases as a risk factor for the progression of periodontal diseases
(literature review)
periodontal disease, periodontitis, risk factors, literature reviewAbstract
Summary. The connection of inflammatory-dystrophic processes in periodontal tissues with a number of systemic diseases is emphasized more than once in the scientific literature. A high prevalence of periodontal diseases is noted in combination with various general somatic diseases against the background of a significant decrease in the body's defenses. Interest in identifying such a relationship has grown as the health care profession seeks a better understanding of the pathogenesis of various diseases and their relationship to periodontal and other oral diseases.
The aim of the study – to analyze data from scientific literature sources and provide fresh information on the relationship between periodontitis and systemic diseases, such as: anomalies of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems.
Materials and Methods. The bibliosemantic method was used to clarify the state of the problem, study the analysis of the results of previous scientific research based on literature sources and electronic resources.
Results and Discussion. The frequent combination and mutually aggravating influence of periodontal diseases with diseases of internal organs indicates their pathogenetic unity, which is expressed by complex disturbances of homeostasis. Systemic disorders increase the frequency and severity of periodontal diseases, by changing the body's immune response to the action of periodontopathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products, as well as the predominantly generalized and rapidly progressive course of periodontal diseases.
Conclusions. Diagnostic methods should identify possible key etiological factors, which will allow early detection of periodontal diseases, thereby improving the prognosis of the disease, and complex treatment should take into account not only the state of periodontal tissues, teeth, oral cavity, but also the patient's body as a whole.
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