The choice of medical agents for local application in the complex treatment of periodontal disease

(literature review)


  • I. H. Remeziuk І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • O. V. Avdeev І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



gingivitis, periodontitis, xenoperitoneum, chlorhexidine, hyaluronic acid


Summary. Periodontal diseases are widespread among different age groups. Young people are likely to be ware often diagnosed with general periodontitis due to the industrialization of the society.

The aim of the study – to study the existing treatments of periodontal diseases and justify the choice of local agents in complex treatment.

Materials and Methods. An analysis of literary sources was carried out. Relevant materials were found in the PubMed and Google Scholar, the National Library named after V. I. Vernadsky using search by keywords and headings.

Results and Discussion. A review of the literature studying local agents used to treat periodontal diseases is presented in this article. Modern means of treatment and examples of local agents are described here too.

Conclusions. It was concluded that local medicine and mechanical removal of a dental plaque both reduce an amount of pathogenic microflora in periodontal pockets during studying the literature. It is planned to analysis local agents to treat periodontal diseases. It is considered promising to use in such cryophilized peritoneum, which is impregnated with topical agents based on chlorhexidine and in combination with hyaluronic acid - PerioAid 0.12 %, PerioAid 0.20 % Chlorhexidine + Hyaluronic acid to treat such patients.


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How to Cite

Remeziuk, I. H., & Avdeev, O. V. (2022). The choice of medical agents for local application in the complex treatment of periodontal disease: (literature review). CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 31–35.



Terapeutic stomatology