Improving the effectiveness of prevention of inflammatory periodontal disease
children, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, periodont, index score, oral fluidAbstract
Summary. Today, the prevalence of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues in children remains high, while the effectiveness of preventive and curative measures is insufficient, which may contribute to generalized dystrophic and inflammatory periodontal diseases, therefore, it is important to increase the effectiveness of prevention of inflammatory periodontal diseases, in particular chronic catarrhal gingivitis.
The aim of the study – improving the effectiveness of prevention of inflammatory periodontal disease in children.
Materials and Methods. 61 children aged 6–7 years with existing inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues were taken for dispensary observation and divided into the main (30 children) and control (31 children) groups. All children underwent professional oral hygiene, corrected (if necessary - taught) hygienic skills, treated caries and its complications, replaced overhanging seals, restored contact points. Children in the main group used VIVAX Dent anti-inflammatory toothpaste with peptide complex and Betulavit® for 4 weeks, then VIVAX Dent toothpaste with active peptide complex and bisabolol for 4 weeks, and Splat Medical Herbs toothpaste in the control group. Control examinations and tests were performed to determine the hygienic condition of the oral cavity, the prevalence and intensity of the inflammatory process in the gums using the Schiller-Pisarev test and the PMA index, indicators of oral fluid (pH, viscosity).
Results and Discussion. According to the initial examination, the average value of hygienic indices corresponded to poor oral hygiene; after 14 days, the indicators significantly improved and corresponded to satisfactory values, the values of the PMA index in all subjects corresponded to a mild degree of gingivitis, Schiller-Pisarev test was from negative to weakly positive. After 1 month, the difference between the studied indicators in children of the main and control groups was significant: in the main index OHI-S was 0.19±0.22, and in the control – 0.8±0.12 points; Fedorov-Volodkina index in the main group – 0.75±0.02, in the control – 0.93±0.03; PMA index in the main group – 6.7±0.72, and in the control – 10.2±0.88 points; the SBI bleeding index is 0.10±0.10 and 0.20±0.10 points, respectively. In children of the main group, the pH and viscosity of oral fluid approached the control value.
Conclusions. The proposed recommendations for the primary and secondary prevention of inflammatory diseases in children through the use of hygiene products have been confirmed by clinical observations.
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