Principle 80/20 on the assessment of nutrient potential in endoprosthetic treatment of conjunctivitis osteo-implant prothetic system


  • M. V. Kasianchuk Bukovіnian State Medical University, Chernivtsi Private specialized medical practice, Chernivtsi
  • N. I. Bielikova Yu. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • P. M. Fochuk Private specialized medical practice, Chernivtsi



dentistry, endodontics, implantology, biogenic potential, Pareto principle, prosthetic rehabilitation, angular dental implants


Summary. The article considers the current problem of modern dental implantology - odontology and osteology, namely: stabilization of bone remodeling for dental implants, prosthetic value of discrete implants after endo-preservation of preserved teeth on the background of pathology, clinical manifestations of Costru-19 and in the human body with the limitations and features of wartime.

The aim of the study – to study the effectiveness of prosthetic methods on angular and short implants as a means of stabilizing atrophic processes of anatomical structures after tooth loss, as well as the dispersion of factors influencing the stabilization of bone remodeling in the postimplantation period.

Materials and Methods. The authors proposed to apply the 80/20 principle of the Italian scientist Pareto in assessing the diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients.

Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation after endodontic treatment (preservation of the roots of depulped teeth) means the use of integrated into the bone tissue conjunctival system of prosthetic structures of bone materials and artificial substitutes for cell processes based on implants, taking into account the laws. The essence of the method is to use the titanium infrastructure (implant) of the intra- and meso-structure of the implant (international titanium standard ASTM F67-89 Grade-5 is used in the manufacture of structural elements of the implant system "U-Impl"), and the surrounding area as an analogue of lost tooth and filling of apical and periapical tissues (anatomical structures).

Results and Discussion. The clinician was offered a discrete conjunctival system of dental implant and prosthetic mesostructure. And also the organization of researches taking into account influence of pathogenic factors. The use of this type of manipulation will allow a more rational approach to the problem of organ-preserving surgical interventions in dentistry. To evaluate the effectiveness of the implantation method, the objective indicators of bone atrophy in patients of the main and control groups were studied: the degree of vertical resorption of bone tissue during 12 months of observation of patients.

Conclusions. Insignificant signs of atrophy after stabilization remodeling of cellular processes of jaws were diagnosed in persons after application of the offered technique. Thus, the 80/20 principle is also valid in the medical examination of vital surgical interventions and predictor method of vital examination of human biogenic potential.


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How to Cite

Kasianchuk, M. V., Bielikova, N. I., & Fochuk, P. M. (2022). Principle 80/20 on the assessment of nutrient potential in endoprosthetic treatment of conjunctivitis osteo-implant prothetic system. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 21–27.



Ortopedic stomatology