Correlative interactions between indices of bone metabolism and the implementation of programmed death of blood neutrophils in lipopolysaccharide-induced periodontitis without concomitant pathology and combined with chronic thiolactone hyperhomocysteinemi
periodontitis, hyperhomocysteinemia, bone metabolism, apoptosis, neutrophils, correlationAbstract
Summary. Generalized periodontitis (GP) is a multifactorial disease characterized by a chronic course. The progression of destructive phenomena in periodontal tissues depends on many factors, including concomitant general somatic pathologies, one of which is hyperhomocysteinemia syndrome (HHcy).
The aim of the study – to establish possible correlation interactions between indices of bone metabolism and the number of blood neutrophils with increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), reduced transmembrane mitochondrial potential (ΔΨm) and signs of apoptosis/necrosis in rats with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced periodontitis combined with chronic thiolactone HHcy.
Materials and Methods. The experiments were performed on 48 mature white rats, which were divided into the following groups: I – control group (n=12); II – animals with LPS-induced periodontitis (n=12); III – animals with chronic thiolactone HHcy (n=12); IV – animals with LPS-induced periodontitis combined with HHcy (n=12). Indices of bone metabolism – the activity of alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase were determined by a biochemical method. ROS generation, ΔΨm, and signs of apoptosis/necrosis of blood neutrophils were determined on an Epics XL flow cytometer. The relationship between the studied parameters was established based on the results of the correlation analysis using the Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results and Discussion. In rats with LPS-induced periodontitis combined with chronic thiolactone HHcy, a high-strength direct interaction between the activity of acid phosphatase in blood serum and the number of neutrophils with hyperproduction of ROS was established; a direct interaction of moderate strength between the activity of acid phosphatase in the blood serum and the number of neutrophils with reduced ΔΨm; a direct interaction of moderate strength between the activity of acid phosphatase in the blood serum and the number of neutrophils with signs of apoptosis; a direct interaction of moderate strength between the activity of acid phosphatase in the periodontal homogenate and the number of neutrophils with hyperproduction of ROS; a direct high-strength interaction between acid phosphatase activity in the periodontal homogenate and the number of neutrophils with reduced ΔΨm; a direct interaction of moderate strength between the activity of acid phosphatase in the periodontal homogenate and the number of neutrophils with signs of apoptosis.
Conclusions. In rats with LPS-induced periodontitis combined with chronic thiolactone HHcy, a number of significant correlation interactions of high and moderate strength between acid phosphatase activity both in blood serum and in periodontal homogenate and the number of blood neutrophils with hyperproduction of ROS, reduced ΔΨm and signs of apoptosis were revealed, which indicates about the relationship between damage to periodontal tissues and the initiation of programmed death of neutrophils with concomitant HHcy, which requires further study.
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