Complications after orthodontic tooth extraction surgery and their causes


  • O. І. Godovanets Bukovinian State Medical University
  • L. В. Dolynchuk Bukovinian State Medical University



children, tooth extraction, complications


Summary. Tooth extraction is the most common surgical intervention in the complex of orthodontic treatment, which is often accompanied by the development of complications.

The aim of the study – to conduct a detailed analysis of complications that occurred after the tooth extraction procedure for orthodontic indications.

Materials and Methods. The research was performed on the basis of a study of 477 medical records of orthodontic patients, in the complex of treatment of which there was a surgical stage in the form of tooth extraction. Patients aged 12 to 15 years were selected for the study.

Results and Discussion. In 28.30 % of cases after tooth extraction surgery, complications are observed, the structure of which is dominated by alveolitis (10.48 %), various forms of stomatitis (15,51 %), and bleeding from the alveolar socket (2.31 %). Many systemic and local factors have been identified that may provoke the development of these complications.

Conclusions. The most common complications after orthodontic tooth extraction are inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa, namely: alveolitis and exacerbation of chronic forms of stomatitis. Given the nature of nosologies diagnosed as a complication in the postoperative period, it can be concluded that their development is associated with trauma to the tissues of the maxillofacial area based on the background of violation of microbial condition and protective mechanisms of the oral cavity.


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How to Cite

Godovanets O. І., & Dolynchuk L. В. (2022). Complications after orthodontic tooth extraction surgery and their causes. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4), 15–19.



Surgical stomatology