Research of cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum’s ability to saturate with chlorhexidine solution


  • T. Yu. Charkivskyi І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • O. V. Avdeev І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



periodontitis, periodontal insertions, xenotissues, cryolyophilization, chlorhexidine, xenoperitoneum


Periodontitis is one of the most common periodontal tissue disease. Most of its treatment protocols imply antiseptics usage in periodontal pockets. We are providing research of the possibility of new medical device implementing – periodontal insertions, saturated with chlorhexidine, where cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum will perform a role of antiseptics depot. The following research studies the ability of cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum to absorb chlorhexidine solutions of different concentrations and preserve its dry residue after undergoing another lyophilization procedure.

The aim of the study – to study the ability of cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum of porcine to absorb chlorhexidine solution of different concentrations, and preserve its olny resiolue of solution after another lyophilization.

Materials and Methods. The research was performed using cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum of porcine origin, produced by LLC “Institute of biomedical technologies”, of 0,3 mm thickness, and 20 % chlorhexidine bigluconate solution. This solution was further mixed with distilled water to create solutions with different concentrations – 2,5 % (1:7 ratio), 5 % (1:3) and 10 % (1:1). Pieces of xenoperitoneum 5x8 mm in size were divided into 4 groups, 30 pieces in each. Every group was weighted. Each group was submerged into corresponding chlorhexidine solution for 10 minutes and then weighted again. After that material was lyophilized and final weighting was performed.

Results and Discussion. After each stage of periodontal insertion manufacturing weighting was conducted. Data analysis after soaking showed increase of insertions’ mass when comparing with their dry mass, which indicated solution absorption by xenoperitoneum. After performing lyophilization procedure mass decreased in each group, but was still higher than dry mass of insertions. This indicates that part of solution evaporated and that dry residue of chlorhexidine remained on the insertions. The mass fraction of said residue on average was 13,77 % in first group (2,5 % chlorhexidine solution was used), 32,81 % in second group (5 % chlorhexidine solution), 36,77 % (10 % chlorhexidine solution) and 57,4 % in fourth group (20 % chlorhexidine solution).

Conclusions. Cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum possess the ability to saturate with chlorhexidine solution and to retain its dry residue after recurrent lyophilization procedure. For following studies, in particular clinical ones, was decided to use xenoperitoneum soaked in 10 % and 20 % chlorhexidine solutions with following lyophilization.


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How to Cite

Charkivskyi, T. Y., & Avdeev, O. V. (2021). Research of cryolyophilized xenoperitoneum’s ability to saturate with chlorhexidine solution . CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 59–67.



Experimental researches