Changes of lipids’ peroxide oxidation indices in lipopolysaccharide-induced periodontitis without comorbid pathology and in the background of chronic thiolactone hyperhomocysteinemia


  • R. I. Khudan Тернопільський національний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України
  • M. M. Korda I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



lipopolysaccharide, periodontitis, hyperhomocysteinemia, LPO


Activation of lipid peroxidation (LPO) plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of generalized periodontitis (GP), causing not only metabolic disturbances, but also structural changes in periodontal tissues. According to various sources, in 85–97% of cases, GP is combined with somatic pathology, which makes a significant difference in the etiopathogenesis of periodontal diseases. One of these pathologies that can complicate the course of GP is hyperhomocysteinemia syndrome (HHcy).

The aim of the study – to establish the features of LPO in the blood serum and periodontal homogenate of rats with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -induced periodontitis combined with chronic thiolactone HHcy.

Materials and Methods. The experiments were performed on 48 mature white rats, which were divided into the following groups: I – control group (n=12); II – animals with LPS-induced periodontitis (n=12); III – animals with chronic thiolactone HHcy (n = 12); IV – animals with LPS-induced periodontitis combined with HHcy (n = 12). The intensity of LPO was determined by the content of lipid hydroperoxides (HPL) and active products of thiobarbituric acid (TBA-AP).

Results and Discussion. It was found that the content of HPL in the blood serum of rats with LPS-induced periodontitis increased by 52.8 % (p=0.004), and in rats with LPS-induced periodontitis combined with chronic thiolactone HHcy – by 2.2 times (p<0.001) vs. control group. In the periodontal homogenate, the content of HPL in animals with LPS-induced periodontitis increased by 2.0 times (p=0.002), and in rats with combined pathology – by 3.1 times (p<0.001) vs. control group. The intensity of changes in TBA-AP was higher vs. HPL. So, in rats with LPS-induced periodontitis combined with chronic thiolactone HHcy, this index significantly increased by 3.0 times (blood serum) and by 4.4 times (periodontal homogenate) vs. control group, which significantly exceeded the data for LPS-induced periodontitis without comorbid pathology ( by 54.5 % and 51. 1 %, respectively).

Conclusions. LPS-induced periodontitis in rats is accompanied by a significant increase in the intensity of LPO processes both in the blood serum and in the periodontal homogenate. Chronic thiolactone HHcy enhances oxidative stress in periodontitis, as evidenced by significantly higher TBA-AP values in the studied biological fluids of rats with combined pathology compared to animals with LPS-induced periodontitis without comorbid pathology.


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How to Cite

Khudan, R. I., & Korda, M. M. (2021). Changes of lipids’ peroxide oxidation indices in lipopolysaccharide-induced periodontitis without comorbid pathology and in the background of chronic thiolactone hyperhomocysteinemia. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 48–58.



Experimental researches