Biotechnologies of implantation in the aspect of application of chaos theory
dentistry, implantology, biogenic potential, Pareto principle, prosthetic rehabilitation, angular dental implantsAbstract
The article considers the current problem of modern dental implantology - stabilization of bone remodeling with dental implants, prosthetic use of discrete prosthetic implants on the background of oncological pathology, manifestations of COVID-19, age-related destructive changes in the human body. The authors proposed to apply the Pareto principle in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients.
The aim of the study – to determine the feasibility of applying the Pareto principle in prosthetic rehabilitation on implant prostheses.
Materials and Methods. Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation means the use of the conjunctival system of prosthetic structures based on implants integrated into bone tissue. We used in the analysis of factors the effectiveness of treatment after dental implantation. As well as methods of prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient, based on biophysical laws, taking into account the reparative capabilities of anatomical structures on the principle: discrete fixation of the prosthetic structure: prostheses with discrete fixation time. Statistical processing of the results was performed by standard methods of variation statistics and correlation analysis using a package of computer programs Statistica 6.0 for Windows и QuattroPro 12.0 for.
Results and discussion. In order to critically evaluate the method of prosthetic treatment was presented at the University of Cologne (Germany), the course of Professor J. E. Zoller in 2006. The recommendations were taken into account later in the laboratory stages of manufacturing a prosthetic structure. Operational manipulations were performed by one operator in standardized conditions. The laboratory stages were also performed by one specialist in a specialized dental laboratory. In clinical trials, the sample consisted of 120 patients (320 units of implant-prosthetic treatment): treatment was performed according to the proposed method - the main group, used an elastic corrected gum shaper.For comparative analysis, 30 patients were a control group, comparable in age and sex, which implant-prosthetic treatment was performed according to conventional methods. The effectiveness of the method of prosthetics on angular and short implants as a means of stabilizing atrophic processes of anatomical structures after tooth loss, as well as the dispersion of factors influencing the process of stabilization of remodeling of bone structures in the postimplantation period.
Conclusions. In connection with the above, on the basis of evidence-based medicine, we analyzed the effectiveness of ergonomic prosthetics to perform organ-sparing surgery when other methods are uncomfortable or require additional effort, higher qualification of the operator, technical support in the dental clinic.
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