Assessment of risk factors for the development of early childhood caries in children according to a survey of parents


  • L. G. Hrynkevych Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi



children, early childhood caries, caries risk factors, survey


Summary. Early childhood caries is the first disease that challenges the dental health of a child and a future adult. Today its etiopathogenesis is well known, but at the same time many factors influence the process of development of the pathological process in the hard dental tissues of the child.

The aim of the study to analyze the risk factors for early childhood caries in children according to a survey of parents.

Materials and Methods. To analyze the factors influencing the development of dental caries in children, we conducted a survey of parents using the Google form. Over 113 parents of children under 3 years of age who were born and live in Chernivtsi took part in the survey.

Results and Discussion. The analysis of respondents' answers gives grounds to claim, however, that children under 3 years of age living in Chernivtsi have such caries risk factors as improper feeding during the first year of life, harmful eating habits and preferences of children, water consumption from sources with uncontrolled fluoride level, inadequate oral care, lack of timely qualified advice on individual oral hygiene and insufficient awareness of parents about the causes of dental caries in children and methods of their elimination.

Conclusions. The information obtained is important from the point of view of understanding the direction of the organization of sanitary-educational work with parents of children in order to eliminate certain risk factors for the development of early childhood caries.


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How to Cite

Hrynkevych, L. G. (2021). Assessment of risk factors for the development of early childhood caries in children according to a survey of parents. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 56–62.



Children’s stomatology