Potential influence of dietary features on the process of dental implants osseointegration


  • M. Yu. Goncharuk-Khomyn SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”
  • A. T. Keniuk SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”
  • S. I. Krichfalushij SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”
  • I. D. Melnychuk SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”
  • I. V. Penzelyk SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”




diet, dental implants, retrospective analysis


Summary. In the context of a progressive trend within the prevalence of dental implantation procedures, it is necessary to take into account the need for individualization of dental treatment approaches, and for analysis of prospective influence regarding a set of patient-associated factors, which are the components of the functional prognosis of placed intraosseous supports. Ones of the patient-associated parameters, characterized by a potentially significant impact on the osseointegration prognosis, are the features of metabolism and diet, which according to the literature may be associated with corresponding changes in bone structure.

The aim of the study – to analyze the features of the potential impact of nutrition, diet and associated metabolic specifics on the process of osseointegration and subsequent functioning of dental implants according to results obtained in experimental, retrospective, clinical and review studies.

Materials and Methods. The design of the study was retrospective in nature with the analytical processing of data selected from a targeted sample of relevant publications. The formation and completion of the initial set of scientific papers, which were subject to further processing according to the principles of content analysis, was carried out using the Google Scholar search engine (https://scholar.google.com/) and the PubMed database (https: //pubmed.ncbi). nlm.nih.gov/) by the relevant keywords (“dental implant”, “diet”, “nutrition”, “vitamin”, “fat intake”, “protein intake”) and corresponding Mesh terms.

Results and Discussion. 20 scientific publications were selected as targets for detailed content analysis: 5 of them presented the results of reviews, 10 – the results of experimental laboratory studies on animal models, 2 – presentations of clinical cases, 2 – retrospective studies, 1 – randomized controlled trial. Analysis of literature data related with the impact of diet on the condition of the bone tissue of the jaws showed the feasibility of monitoring food intake among patients undergoing dental treatment, who is also characterized by presence of various local and systemic disorders in bone structure. In addition, timely and adequate correction of the diet after implant and periodontal treatment, as well as at the various stages of subsequent rehabilitation helps to improve the values of integrated quality of life criteria among dental patients.

Conclusions. According to the experimental studies, changes in lipid (supersaturation) and protein (deficiency) metabolism provoked by diet and nutrition can be interpreted as contributing to the process of osseointegration of dental implants, but only under considering the duration and intensity of exposure to provoking factors, and patient-determined parameters of metabolism, as well as the use of appropriate specific laboratory and instrumental research methods.


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How to Cite

Goncharuk-Khomyn, M. Y., Keniuk, A. T., Krichfalushij, S. I., Melnychuk, I. D., & Penzelyk, I. V. (2021). Potential influence of dietary features on the process of dental implants osseointegration. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 15–24. https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2021.2.12326



Surgical stomatology