Index assessment of patients with generalized parodontal diseases and apical complications.


  • Yu. O. Kinash Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • L. V. Kinash Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University



periodontal index, Periodontal Screening and Recording index, bone augmentation


The emergence of a system of index assessment of parodontal tissues, and a further increase in their number, is associated with the high prevalence of generalized diseases of parodontal tissues, which requires the use of comprehensive and objective diagnostic techniques, comparison of study results obtained by various Ukrainian and foreign authors.

The aim of the study –to study the effectiveness of index assessment methods for the criterion of periodontal ligament destruction and parodontal screening by clinical and additional diagnostic techniques, to evaluate a primary dental intervention for patients with generalized parodontal diseases and apical complications, and to recommend the use of parodontal indices in the system of practical health care.

Materials and Methods. Twenty-five patients with generalized parodontal disease and apical complications completed treatment with the use of bone augmentation (72 % of patients) and without it – (28 % of patients) based on dental medical centre of Danylo Halytsky LNMU from January 2020 to January 2021.

 Results and Discussion. The study is based on a clinical examination, including additional diagnostic techniques to determine the primary dental treatment that could cause generalized parodontal diseases and index assessment of periodontal ligament destruction and periodontal screening recording (PSR) in 25 patients who were referred for comprehensive treatment of generalized diseases of parodontal tissues with apical complications. According to Table 3, it can be seen that among the 25 patients who were divided by colour index depending on age, patients of the I-mature and II-mature age predominate. Patients of the I-mature age, who were marked in green, included males – 30 % (p<0.05) and females – 26.7 % (p<0.05) accounting for 28 % (p<0.05) of all patients. Patients of the II-mature age, who were marked in yellow, had similar results. Middle-aged adult patients, who were marked in orange, included males – 20 % (p<0.05) and females – 20 % (p<0.05) accounting for 20 % (p<0.05) of all patients. Among older adult patients, who were marked in red, males accounted for 20 % (p<0.05) and females – 26.7 % (p<0.05), which was 24 % (p<0.05) of all patients.

Conclusions: The method of index assessment makes it possible to conduct a situational analysis, i.e. to determine the prevalence and intensity of the disease among the population, as well as to monitor and objectively assess the effectiveness of prevention and treatment programs.


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How to Cite

Kinash, Y. O., & Kinash, L. V. (2021). Index assessment of patients with generalized parodontal diseases and apical complications. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 26–33.



Terapeutic stomatology