Frequency of malocclusions among schoolchildren of 6–16 years old


  • N. I. Smolyar Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University
  • M. Yu. Lesytskiy Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University



children, anomalies of dental arches, prevalence


Summary. In recent years, there has been observed an increase in the prevalence of dental anomalies among children. According to the authors, the prevalence of dental anomalies among children in Ukraine ranges from 65.70 % to 83.33 %, which indicates on the variability of the data. Special attention should be paid to anomalies of the dental arches due to their high frequency.

The aim of the study – to assess the prevalence of dental arch anomalies.

Materials and Methods. To study the prevalence of dental arch anomalies, 1167 children of 6 –16 years old were examined. It was found that among children with orthodontic pathology anomalies of dental arches occur in 64.87±1.75 % of the examined children. The prevalence of this pathology increases from 6 to 12 years - from 3.06±1.74 % to 58.82±4.87 %, p<0.001, and from 12 to 16 years there is a tendency to decrease (from 58.82±4.87 % to 50.00±4.56 %), which may be due to the processes of self-regulation as a result of growth. It was found that among the anomalies of the position of individual teeth, the most common are tortoanomalies (14.91±1.04 %), distal and vestibular position (7.54±0.77 % and 7.40±0.77 %, respectively).

Results and Discussion. The results of the conducted research show that crowding occurs on average in 22.79±1.23 % of the examined children and in 35.80±1.76 % of persons with malocclusions. During the period of early mixed dentition, crowdig occurs in 10.36±1.50 % of cases, during the period of late mixed dentition, the number of such children significantly increases to 20.00±2.29 %, and in permanent occlusion - up to 36.24±2,27 %. Anomalies in the shape of the dentition occur in 20.22±1.18 % of children. The results of the study show that, on average, diastemas occur in 8.48±0.82 % of those surveyed and in 13.32±1.25 % of children with malocclusions, and spaces occur in 3.86±0.32 % of those surveyed and in 6.06±0.88 % among children with malocclusions.

Conclusions. Thus, the data obtained indicate the need for routine examinations in kindergartens and schools to identify children with risk factors for dental anomalies and require orthodontic treatment, which will reduce the percentage of pathology in more severe forms. In children during the temporary and early mixed dentition, preventive measures should be taken to stimulate self-regulation of dental anomalies and motivate parents to preventive prosthetics.


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How to Cite

Smolyar, N. I., & Lesytskiy, M. Y. (2021). Frequency of malocclusions among schoolchildren of 6–16 years old. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 63–70.



Children’s stomatology