Distance form of education on postgraduate education of training of internal dentists: myth or reality


  • O. M. Ilnytska Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • A. B. Kostyshyn Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University




distance education, distance education of interns, dentist, postgraduate education, manipulative dental care


Summary. At present, distance education as a new educational paradigm of development of educational and information space is progressive in the development of our information society in the field of technologies.
The aim of the study  –  to consider and determine the importance of distance learning for the process of professional training of dentists-interns at the stage of postgraduate education. Also to prove the inexpediency of the introduction of distance learning in postgraduate education of dentists.

 In view of this, the article actualizes the problem of distance education of interns at the stage of postgraduate training of specialists in the field of dentistry. The concept of distance education and its pros and cons in the training of interns is revealed. Own definitions of "distance education" and "distance education of interns" are offered. Some aspects of normative-legal regulation of continuous professional development of health care specialists and peculiarities of legal regulation of dental services are considered. The importance of distance education in the professional development of a dentist at the stage of his postgraduate training is determined, because this form of education is impractical for education and training at this stage of professional development. The effectiveness of distance education in the professional development of dentists at the stage of postgraduate education by answering current social issues in medical education is also clarified. Because, the use of distance education at the stage of postgraduate training of an intern will not have a positive impact on the level of professional training and readiness of the future dentist to perform their professional duties, where professional skills and abilities are acquired in the process of direct contact with the patient.


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How to Cite

Ilnytska, O. M., & Kostyshyn, A. B. (2021). Distance form of education on postgraduate education of training of internal dentists: myth or reality. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 70–79. https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2021.1.12043



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