Dynamics of biochemical and microbiological parameters in modelling different reactivity of the organism
biochemical parametersAbstract
Summary. Periodontal diseases in socio-economic importance are among the most difficult problems of modern dentistry. The issues of clarifying the key mechanisms of development and nature of inflammatory and destructive lesions of periodontal tissues depending on the condition of reactivity of the organism and the ability to control these processes remain relevant.
The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of biochemical and microbiological parameters in the experiment with modelling the extreme conditionss of hyper- and hyporeactivity of the organism.
Materials and methods. The experiments were performed on 24 adult not purebred dogs weighing 8-12 kg with spontanious periodontitis. Animals were divided into three levels of groups, where the states of normo-, hyper- and hyporeactivity of the organism were stimulated. In the blood serum and gum tissues the dynamics of biochemical parameters was assessed, as well as the frequency of secretion and the level of microflora population of the dental biofilm in cases of different reactivity of the organism.
Research results and their discussion. When the body is hyper- and hyporeactive, the reserve capacity of the antioxidant system (AOC) is depleted, as evidenced by a significant decrease in the activity of the main enzyme of the anti-radical link of AOC - superoxide dismutase (SOD) - in serum and gum biopsy, respectively, 1.41 and 2.84 times more (p <0.05). It causes a significant increase in the activity of the enzyme phospholipase A2 in serum and gum tissue (p <0.05). The analysis of the frequency of secretion and the level of microflora population of dental biofilm in animals with spontaneous periodontitis against impaired reactivity of the organism indicates the predominance of aerobic-anaerobic associations with increasing detection of facultative and obligate anaerobes.
Conclusions. Modelling of impaired (hyper- and hypo-) reactivity of the organism provokes the imbalance of regulatory systems, which is manifested by the apparent destruction of periodontal tissues and the corresponding dynamics of biochemical and microbiological parameters. Therefore, we consider further studying of the possibility of influencing the reactivity of the organism with their approximation to the values of the body᾽s normoreaction promosing, which will provide the optimal development of the pathological process in the periodontium.
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