Evaluation of the impact of pathogenic factors in patients with generalized periodontitis


  • T. O. Petrushanko Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava
  • I. Yu. Popovych Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava
  • T. M. Moshel Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava




generalized periodontitis, pathogenic factors


Summary. The basis of generalized periodontitis is an inflammatory-dystrophic process that occurs in the body under the influence of pathogenic factors. The human body is under the constant influence of various factors of external and internal nature that interact with each other, and the body's response to their effects can be varied. It is determined by a number of points, including the nature of the pathogenic factor.

The aim of the study – to assess the influence of pathogenic factors on the state of periodontal tissues in patients with generalized periodontitis.

Materials and Methods. To achieve this goal, a survey was conducted of 230 people aged 25 to 65 years, 204 of whom had clinical symptoms of chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) (three experimental groups in accordance with I, II, III severity levels), 26 – a healthy periodontium (control group).

Results and Discussion. To assess the impact of a number of pathogenic factors on the development of generalized periodontitis, we analyzed the relationships of the influence of possible pathogenic factors on periodontal tissues.

The results of local examination (maxillofacial area) of patients with CGP and patients with healthy periodontal tissues indicate the presence of local effects of pathogenic factors on the development of chronic generalized periodontitis. A comprehensive examination of patients with generalized periodontitis and healthy gums allowed to systematize the effects and influence of local and general pathogenic factors, which depending on the state of adaptive capacity of the body can lead to the development and burden of pathological processes in periodontal tissues.

Conclusions. For effective treatment of patients with CGP and achieving remission and long-term stabilization of the inflammatory-dystrophic process in periodontal tissues, a personalized approach is important, taking into account both local and general pathogenic factors and individual characteristics of the body.


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How to Cite

Petrushanko, T. O., Popovych, I. Y., & Moshel, T. M. (2020). Evaluation of the impact of pathogenic factors in patients with generalized periodontitis. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 24–32. https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2020.2.11398



Terapeutic stomatology