Study of the clinical effectiveness of a comprehensive method of treatment of dental hyperesthesia in children


  • V. V. Horokhovskyi Odesa National Medical University
  • I. V. Khodorchuk Odesa Children's Hospital named after Academician B. Ya. Reznik
  • T. O. Pyndus Lviv Medical Institute
  • O. V. Efremova Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • Kh. V. Pohoretska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • L. O. Patskan I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



dentistry, children, comprehensive treatment method, hyperesthesia


The article presents the results of a study of the influence of comprehensive method for the treatment of hyperesthesia of hard tooth tissues in 12 years old children.

The aim of the study – to learn the effectiveness of the use of a comprehensive method of treating dental hyperesthesia in 12 years old children.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 44 children aged 12 years with hyperesthesia of the teeth degree II of severity. Children, depending on the method of treatment, were divided into 2 groups. The comparison group included 23 children of 12 years of both sexes who used the standard treatment regimen for hyperesthesia. The main group included 23 children aged 12 years of both sexes. Prior to treatment, children underwent rehabilitation and professional oral hygiene. The complex treatment method that was developed by us was used in children of the main group. In children of each group, the indices of the prevalence of hyperesthesia of the teeth and the intensity of hyperesthesia of the teeth were determined. To determine the electroexcitability of dental pulp with increased sensitivity, we used the PulpTester-P device.

Results and Discussion. As a result of the studies, we found a significant decrease in the prevalence index of dental hyperesthesia in children of the main group and the comparison group after the course of treatment, but this index in children of the main group was six months later 9.31 times less than the indicator of the comparison group. The values of the intensity index of hyperesthesia of the teeth after 6 months, a year and one and half year indicate a prolonged effect after the application of the treatment method proposed by us.

Conclusions. Our comprehensive treatment method allows to reduce the manifestations of dental hyperesthesia in children, which is confirmed by the values of prevalence indices, intensity of dental hyperesthesia and indicators of electroodontometry. The children who were subjected to treatment for tooth hypersensitivity decreased the number of relapses.


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How to Cite

Horokhovskyi, V. V., Khodorchuk, I. V., Pyndus, T. O., Efremova, O. V., Pohoretska, K. V., & Patskan, L. O. (2020). Study of the clinical effectiveness of a comprehensive method of treatment of dental hyperesthesia in children. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 60–64.



Children’s stomatology