Features of the postoperative period course after the removal of the retinal lower third molars using the “Kolapol KP-3 LM”osteoplastic material


  • Ya. P. Nahirnyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




removal of lower third molars, “Klopol KP-3LM”osteoplastic material, inflammatory reaction, intensity of pain syndrome


The article presents the results of studying the features of the wound healing course after the atypical removal operation of the lower third molars at the filling of the removed teeth cell with osteoplastic material "Kolapol KP -3LM". The severity of the inflammatory response in the soft tissues of the trauma site and the intensity and duration of the pain syndrome were investigated.

The aim of the study – to learn the influence of the "Kolapol KP -3LM" osteoplastic material using after the atypical removal operation of the lower third molars on the severity of the inflammatory response of soft tissues in the area of trauma, the intensity and duration of pain in the postoperative period.

Materials and Methods. 32 patients, aged 18–23, were included in clinical observations. The atypical removal operation of the lower third molars has been carried in patients in accordance with the recommendations in the hospital (S. Asanami and Ya. Kazasaki, 1993). The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 – the healing of the cell was carried under a blood clot (15 people) and group 2 – the cell after operation was filled by the “Kolapol-KP-3 LM” osteoplastic material (17 people). Patients were monitored for 4 days. The severity of inflammatory response, intensity and duration of pain on the Verbal Descriptor Scale was clinically evaluated.

Results and Discussion. The clinical manifestations of the inflammatory reaction, that occur when the lower third molars are removed, were less pronounced at the using of the "Kolapol KP-3LM" osteoplastic material. In group 2 of patients, the symptoms of inflammation were regressed faster: the pain, the swelling of the tissues in the area of the cell of the removed tooth, the serous discharge from the wound, the normalization of body temperature. In these patients, throughout the observation period, the intensity of pain was lower, as evidenced by the higher percentage of patients who didn’t have pain and less percentage in which the pain was mild and moderate.

Conclusions. The using of the “Kolapol KP-3LM” osteoplastic material leads to a decrease in the inflammatory response in the postoperative period after the atypical removal operation of the lower third molars compared with the patients in which cell healing was carried under a blood clot. The “Kolapol KP-3LM” osteoplastic material doesn’t reduce the duration of the pain syndrome in the postoperative period, but it significantly reduces its intensity.


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How to Cite

Nahirnyi, Y. P. (2020). Features of the postoperative period course after the removal of the retinal lower third molars using the “Kolapol KP-3 LM”osteoplastic material. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2020.1.11217



Surgical stomatology