Treatment of patients with adenophlegmons of maxillofacial area by the drugs with sorption and proteolytic properties


  • N. B. Kuzniak Bukovinian State Medical University
  • R. R. Dmytrenko Bukovinian State Medical University
  • A. V. Bambuliak Bukovinian State Medical University
  • P. P. Perebiynis Bukovinian State Medical University
  • S. V. Tkachyk Bukovinian State Medical University



polysorb, Lysetox, adenophlegmon


Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases is one of the most pressing problems of surgical dentistry and is provided by the use of various drugs, among which the leading place is occupied by antiseptics, antibiotics, detoxifiers, drugs with a sorption mechanism of action, including Gelevinum, Regencur.

The aim of the study – given the modern approach to the local treatment of purulent-necrotic wounds, it is advisable to use a drug that would exhibit simultaneous sorption, detoxification and prolonged proteolytic action.

Materials and Methods. The composition containing a protein-fixing sorbent polysorb (not less than 96%), crystalline trypsin and antiseptic ethonium, which, in addition, acts as a stabilizer of proteolytic activity. Clinical data and leukocytosis index were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the composition. The research results were processed statistically.

Results and Discussion. By the trials on 48 patients with adenophlegmons of the maxillofacial region it was shown that using of composition Lysetox, which consists of polysorb, trypsin and aethonium, increases the treatment efficiency. The sickliness and tissue infiltration around wound disappear 2 days earlier. The inflammatory contracture of the lower jaw and the hyperemia of skin disappear one day earlier. Normalization of amount of the peripheral blood leukocytes and complete debridement of the wound occur 2 days earlier.

Conclusions. A study has demonstrated that including of the composition Lysetox into the treatment accelerates the debridement and the detoxication of suppurative wound.


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How to Cite

Kuzniak, N. B., Dmytrenko, R. R., Bambuliak, A. V., Perebiynis, P. P., & Tkachyk, S. V. (2020). Treatment of patients with adenophlegmons of maxillofacial area by the drugs with sorption and proteolytic properties. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 12–16.



Surgical stomatology