Individual approach to the complex treatment of acute odontogenic jaw periostitis


  • V. M. Heley Uzhhorod National University
  • N. I. Heley Uzhhorod National University



odontogenic periostitis, maxillofacial area, complex treatment


Despite the organization of prevention of inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area, improving treatment protocols, optimize the accessibility to dental health care, the appearance on the market today available antibiotics and NSAIDs, the number of patients is not reduced, and according to the estimates of specialists in different hospitals of 23 to 38 % of all patients who sought medical care in the surgical room.

The aim of the study – improvement of care of adults with acute odontogenic jaw periostitis in an outpatient setting by developing algorithms for diagnosis and treatment based on clinical and laboratory parameters.

Materials and Methods. To achieve this goal, studies were conducted with the participation of 60 patients diagnosed with acute purulent odontogenic jaw periostitis. Assessment of the general condition of patients was carried out on the basis of the results of the conducted researches: general clinical – for comprehensive study of dental status; microbiological – for the study of microbial contamination; immunological – cytokine profile of the course of the disease; radiological – to evaluate the condition of the hard tissues of the maxillofacial area, and to assess the quality of treatment, comparative analysis.

Results and Discussion. The results of studies of patients with acute odontogenic jaw periostitis showed that the overwhelming number of complaints disappeared on the second day after the appointment of the developed treatment regimen, in patients of all age subgroups progressively decreased the number of complaints – up to 10–15 %. Such complaints included pain, asymmetry of the face and limitation of mouth opening. On the third day of treatment, a small number of complaints persisted in patients of the older age group. There were no complaints in all other subgroups.

Conclusions. On the basis of the complex of researches we have solved the actual issue for practical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery: improvement of rendering medical care to patients of adult with acute odontogenic jaw periostitis in outpatient conditions by optimization of diagnostic approaches, development of pathogenetic and laboratory examination.


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How to Cite

Heley, V. M., & Heley, N. I. (2020). Individual approach to the complex treatment of acute odontogenic jaw periostitis. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 5–11.



Surgical stomatology