Assessment of efficiency of antistressor protection of surgical dental patients with different level of neuroticism


  • O. Ya. Mokryk Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



neuroticism, psycho-emotional stress, adaptive reaction, pain sensitivity, pupillo-algometry, GABA, L – tryptophan, dalargin


Surgery in the maxillofacial area is accompanied by the appearance of stress reactions. The severity of stress reactions depends largely on the individual-typological features of each patient. An important condition for successful surgical intervention is the providing of adequate antistressor protection of patients, which is realized through the activation of natural stress-limiting systems of the body (GABA-ergic, serotonergic and opiate systems).

The aim of the study – to give an objective assessment of the effectiveness of drug regimens of antistressor protection of surgical dental patients with different levels of neuroticism.

Materials and Methods. Clinical observations and laboratory studies were performed in 97 outpatient surgical dental patients. The types of temperament and the level of neuroticism in patients were detected by their testing according to the method of G. Eysenck. The manifestations of psychological stress (emotional, somatic, behavioral) that occurred in patients during the last week prior to surgery were detected according to the PSM-25 (Lemyr – Tessier – Fillion) scale. The level of anxiety and depressive manifestations in patients before surgery were determined by using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The assessment of the state of the autonomic nervous system in patients before the start of antistressor therapy and after its completion was determined by the Kerdo index, the adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system under stress conditions  was determined by the functional capacity index (FCI)  according to the method of Baevsky R.M. The reactivity of the autonomic nervous system in response to the action of a painful factor was evaluated by means of pupilloalgometry on the background of a "turnstile" test by our method. Cortisol levels in mixed saliva were determined before and after antistressor therapy. This biochemical marker was examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

Depending on the medication antistressor regimens used, patients were divided into two clinical groups. For premedication of patients of both clinical groups, gidazepam was used – sublingually 0.05 g, an hour before surgery. In the main group (50 patients) at the stage of preparation for routine surgery, for 7 days, was prescribed L-tryptophan and endonasal solution of dalargin for sympathicotonia in patients. In the comparison group (47 patients) for the treatment of psycho-emotional stress within 7 days before surgery was prescribed the drug "Gamalate B6" (Spain), which contains γ-aminobutyric acid – 75 mg; γ-amino-β-hydroxybutyric acid – 37 mg; magnesium glutamate hydrobromide (anhydrous) – 75 mg; of vitamin B6 – 37 mg, 2 tablets 2 times a day (morning and evening).

Statistical analysis of the results of the study was performed by using the Student's t-test of the methods of variational statistics (using the computer program "Statistica 8"). To determine the probability and strength of correlation relationships, we determined the Pearson correlation coefficient χ2.

Results and Discussion. Patients with moderate and high levels of neuroticism on the PSM-25 scale have been diagnosed with psychological stress of varying degrees of severity. In the group of comparison in patients with moderate level of neuroticism (30 people) during  applying the "Gamalate B6" of antistressor therapy to achieve before the start of surgery the necessary clinical effect: low anxiety, balance of components of the autonomic nervous system, satisfactory adaptation to the stress of the cardiovascular system  and slight increase (p > 0.05) of cortisol  in saliva, 86.7 %  were successful, and at high neuroticism level – in 58.8 %. In the main clinical group, after the course of therapy with L-tryptophan and dalargin in patients with moderate neuroticism level (32 people), before the start of surgery, the necessary level of antistress protection was achieved in 100 % of cases, χ2 – 4.561 (р = 0.033), and among patients with high levels of neuroticism (18 people) – in 83.3 %  of cases, χ2 – 2.574 (р = 0.109).

 In these patients, on the background of the activation of stress-limiting systems (serotonergic and opiate), the resistance to nociceptive factor was also statistically significantly increased, which was confirmed by the results of pupilloalgometry.

Conclusions. In dental patients before surgery, manifestations of psychological stress of varying degrees of severity, depending on their level of neuroticism are present. In people with high levels of neuroticism on the background of chronic psycho-emotional stress there is a functional imbalance of the autonomic nervous system with increasing activity of its sympathetic department. When used for anti-stress protection, pharmacological drugs that affect the GABA-ergic system, it is possible to achieve the expected therapeutic effect in the majority of patients with moderate neuroticism and in 58.8 % of cases in persons with high neuroticism. When combined with L-tryptophan and dalargin, antistressor protection is achieved in 100 % of patients with moderate and 83.3 % with high levels of neuroticism.


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How to Cite

Mokryk, O. Y. (2020). Assessment of efficiency of antistressor protection of surgical dental patients with different level of neuroticism. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4), 33–44.



Surgical stomatology