Placental remedy Laennec in complex treatment of patients with diseases of the maxillofacial area


  • O. S. Volovar O. Bohomolets National Medical University
  • V. O. Malanchuk O. Bohomolets National Medical University
  • O. O. Kryzhanivska O. Bohomolets National Medical University
  • Ya. P. Nahirnyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



placenta, Laennec, maxillofacial area


The literature data of possibility of application of the Laennec placenta in the complex treatment of patients with diseases of the maxillofacial area were analyzed in the article. Its composition, properties, influence on the processes of reparative regeneration of various tissues of the body were considered. Possibility of application of the placental remedies for immunocorrection, neuroprotection, wound healing, normalization of skin pigmentation, nephro- and hepatoprotection, in the treatment of joint diseases, etc. are presented in data of the evidence based medicine. The data of molecular pharmacology on the mechanisms of action of placental drugs are considered.

The aim of the study – to analyze the sources of scientific and medical information regarding the possibility of using the placental extract Laennec in the complex treatment of patients with diseases of the maxillofacial area.

Materials and Methods. The study used bibliosematic and analytical methods.

Results and Discussion. The sources of scientific and medical information concerning of composition of the Laennec placenta, its properties, the possibilities of applicatioin of the placental remedies for immunocorrection, neuroprotection, wound healing, normalization of skin pigmentation, nephro- and hepatoprotection, and treatment of suture were reviewed and processed.

Conclusions. The analysis of the results of studies were presented in the review and indicates a wide range of possible clinical applications of Laennec placenta, including in the complex treatment of patients with diseases of the maxillofacial area.


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How to Cite

Volovar, O. S., Malanchuk, V. O., Kryzhanivska, O. O., & Nahirnyi, Y. P. (2020). Placental remedy Laennec in complex treatment of patients with diseases of the maxillofacial area. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4), 18–24.



Surgical stomatology