The prevalence of clinical forms of chronic periodontitis in dental patients depending on age


  • S. V. Khlyebas P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • V. Ye. Novoshitsky PJSC "University" Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"



chronic periodontitis, prevalence, age


Summary. Among dental diseases, infectious and inflammatory processes in the pulp and in the periapical tissues, which creep as a result of complicated caries, occupy the third place among the population of Ukraine and are the main cause of early tooth loss.

The aim of the study – to learn the prevalence of clinical forms of chronic periodontitis in dental patients depending on age.

Materials and Methods. The study included 542 dental patients whose average age was (35.30±8.31) years (M ± SD). Among the examined patients, there were 255 men and 287 women. They were divided into two groups depending on age. The diagnosis of clinical forms of chronic periodontitis was established on the basis of clinical and radiological examinations.

Results and Discussion. The results of the study showed that 185 patients (34.13 %) among 542 examined dental patients had various clinical forms of chronic periodontitis. Among chronic forms of periodontitis, granulomatous periodontitis occurs in practice most often in 63.64 % of cases, and the most rare chronic fibrous periodontitis in 16.97 % of cases. In young patients, 34.54 % of the examined have various forms of chronic periodontitis, with granulomatous periodontitis (23.25 %) and the most rare fibrotic periodontitis (4.97 %) being the most common. Among the examined middle-aged dental patients, 32.32 % of patients have various forms of chronic periodontitis and granulomatous periodontitis (22.22 %) is most common, and granulation periodontitis (4.04 %) is least likely to occur.

Conclusions. The results of the analysis of the prevalence of clinical forms of chronic periodontitis depending on age showed that in young patients the frequency of chronic periodontitis was 34.54 % and was higher than in middle-aged patients (32.32 %), but not significantly (p = 0.726 ) Most often among the clinical forms of chronic periodontitis, chronic granulomatous periodontitis was observed in both young patients and middle-aged patients. There was no significant difference (p> 0.05) between all forms of chronic periodontitis depending on age.


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How to Cite

Khlyebas, S. V., & Novoshitsky, V. Y. (2019). The prevalence of clinical forms of chronic periodontitis in dental patients depending on age. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 18–24.



Terapeutic stomatology