A modern look at the use of rinses for the oral cavity
mouthwash, dental elixir, oral cavityAbstract
Summary. Mouth rinse is an effective preventive measure that should be taken after each meal. In the process of rinsing is a mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth from food residues, plaque, gums and tooth-pockets. As a result of regular rinsing, the development of pathological processes is prevented and blood circulation improves in the tissues of the oral cavity. There are special mouthwashes, namely rinses and dental elixirs, which are additional means of personal hygiene of the oral cavity.
The aim of the study – to review the main rinses presented on the market, to analyze their positive for the negative characteristics and peculiarities for their prescribing, depending on the clinical case.
Materials and Methods. A review and analysis of scientific and medical literature for 2008–2018, reporting materials of methodological and scientific organizations, and current normative and legal documents were conducted. The focus is on the use of dental elixirs and oral rinses.
Results and Discussion. The article gives an overview of the literature on the use of oral dentifrices and mouthwashes. Their classification according to the purpose is considered. The brief characteristics, indications and application features in different clinical cases are given.
Conclusions. Despite all the benefits of using rinsers, it should be remembered that mouthwash is effective only in the complex of procedures for the care of the teeth and gums. For full hygiene, dentists recommend using a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and dental floss.
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