The chemical composition of the dentin of teeth affected by precervical caries, depending on the depth of enamel microcracks


  • S. P. Yarova Donetsk National Medical University, Lyman
  • I. I. Zabolotna Donetsk National Medical University, Lyman



microcracks, precervical caries, dentine, chemical composition


Precervical lesions:  wedge-shaped defect, precervical caries and cracks are often diagnosed in clinical practice. Form of cervical caries occurs in 20–30 % of cases. Resistance to decay related to the structure and properties of dental tissues. It remains relevant to identify new etiopathogenetic factors of their development, which has both scientific and practical value.

The aim of the study – to research the chemical composition of dentin in teeth affected by a precervical caries depending on the depth of the enamel microcracks.

Materials and Methods. Subject of research – 10 teeth of the both jaws extracted as clinically indicated, longitudinal sections of teeth of patients from 25 to 54 years old. JSM-6490 LV focused beam electronic microscope (scanning) with system of energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis INCA Penta FETх3 was used.

Results and Discussion. In the chemical composition of the dentin of the teeth affected by precervical caries, the method of micro X-ray spectral analysis was used to determine the difference in zinc content depending on the depth of the enamel defects (p <0.05). The research was carried out in the clinically unchanged areas of the samples (cutting edge (tuber), equator) and in the zone of caries defect (occlusive, near-the-gum of the wall, middle part, 150 microns from it). The amount of zinc was the biggest in the areas of the cutting edge (tubercule and equator of teeth with microcracks) of type І, the epidermal wall of the precervical caries of teeth with microcracks of type ІІ, the gum wall and the middle part of the caries process, and also at the distance between that part and the teeth with microcracks of type ІІІ, р<0.05. Aluminum was reliably found in large quantities of the dentine of specimens with type I of enamel defects in all the areas of the caries defect, where the correlation aluminum / zinc was significantly greater than in specimens with less deep microcracks, p <0, 05.

Conclusions. Increasing of essential components and reduction of toxic components of microelement structure of dentin play a significant role in the development and progression of pathology of hard dental tissues. Their adequate correction should become one of the conceptual directions of modern preventive medicine. The revealed features should be used for a substantiation of principles of treatment and prophylaxis of teeth with precervical caries.


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How to Cite

Yarova, S. P., & Zabolotna, I. I. (2019). The chemical composition of the dentin of teeth affected by precervical caries, depending on the depth of enamel microcracks. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 4–9.



Terapeutic stomatology