Genealogical and dermatological investigations of persons prone to dentognathic anomalies


  • V. S. Melnyk Uzhhorod National University
  • L. F. Horzov Uzhhorod National University
  • K. V. Zombor Uzhhorod National University



heredity, genealogy, dermatoglyphics, dentognathic anomalies


Summary. Violation in development of dentognathic anomalies is inflicted harm to not only the health of child but also negatively influence on his/her adaptation in a social environment. A large value in development of dentognathic anomalies has heredity. The study of general connections between digit pictures and realization of genealogical analysis and dentognathic anomalies can help in the early exposure of persons with genetic predisposition to dentognathic anomalies.

The aim of the study – the definition of the role of genealogical and dermatological studies for the screening of persons prone to dentognathic anomalies.

Materials and Methods. To solve the problems, 15 people from 19 to 74 years old were studied, which made up a large number of relatives of proband З with the compilation of pedigree in three generations: parents, children and grandchildren. Results and Discussion. For progeny relatives, the characteristic patterns were hinges and/or arches on the fingers of the right and left arms. Clinical and genealogical analysis of family members of proband found that in all cases the disease is observed in each generation; presence of one of the parents; each patient has at least one relative with the same sign. About the autosomal dominant type of inheritance is evidenced by the prevalence of this pathology vertically in both sexes. Dentognathic anomalies are found in each generation of the pedigree. The ratio of sick boys and girls is the same. Probability of childbirth with dentognathic anomalies if one of the parents is ill 50 %.

Conclusions. Dermatological analysis in combination with genealogical research can be used for the screening of hereditary diseases among the population for the purpose of early diagnosis. An effective approach to prophylaxis of hereditary diseases of dental anomalies is medical-genetic counseling, as a result of which patients can obtain information about inheritance of a pathology, probability of its development.


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How to Cite

Melnyk, V. S., Horzov, L. F., & Zombor, K. V. (2019). Genealogical and dermatological investigations of persons prone to dentognathic anomalies . CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 59–64.



Children’s stomatology