Наведено експериментальні докази дії поляризованого світла апарату БІОПТРОН на точку акупунктури і осередок болю. Доведено, що ПАЙЛЕР-світло може викликати анальгезію, яка залежить від вибору зони аплікації, експозиції, характеру болю (гострий, тонічний або вісцеральний). Анальгетична реакція має загальний характер і супроводжується участю опіоідергічної противобольової системи.
Anthology of light therapy. Medical BIOPTRON technologies (theory, clinical application, prospects). Proceedings. Gulyar S.A., Editor-in-chief. Kyiv: Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine; 2009 (in Ukrainian, Russian).
Gulyar S.A., Limansky Y.P., Tamarova Z.A. Analgesic effects of Bioptron PILER light. J. of practitioners. 1999; 4: 21-23 (in Russian).
Gulyar S.A., Limansky Y.P. Biophysical basis of Bioptron light puncture and mechanisms of primary reception of electromagnetic waves of optical range. Akupunktura Polska. 2004; 30, 1: 1097-1123.
Gulyar S.A., Limansky Y.P., Tamarova Z.A. Suppression of pain by influence of BIOPTRON-polarized light on acupoints. European Journal of Pain / 5th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC), Istanbul, Sept. 13-16. 2006; 10, Suppl 1: S212.
Gulyar S.A., Kosakovsky A.L., eds. BIOPTRON-PILERlight application in medicine. Kyiv: ВІР NAS of Ukraine and SNMAPE of Ukraine; 2006; 2nd ed. 2011 (in Ukrainian, Russian).
Limansky Y.P., Tamarova Z.A., Gulyar S.A. Suppression of visceral pain by action of the low intensity polarized light on antinociceptive points of acupuncture. Fiziol.J. 2003; 49:43-51 (in Ukrainian).
Limansky Y.P., Tamarova Z.A., Gulyar S.A. Suppression of pain by exposure of acupuncture points to polarized light. Pain Res. Manag. 2006, Spring; 11, 1: 49-57.
Limansky Y.P., Gulyar S.A., Tamarova Z.A. BIOPTRON-induced analgesia: 8. Suppression of acute pain by combined action of PILER-light and low doses of analgetics. Anthology of light therapy. Proceedings. Kyiv: ВІР NAS of Ukraine, 2009: 247-254 (in Russian).
Limansky Y.P., Gulyar S.A., Tamarova Z.A. BIOPTRON-induced analgesia: 9. Influence of the low intensity polarized light on visceral pain. Anthology of light therapy. Proceedings. Kyiv: ВІР NAS of Ukraine, 2009: - C. 255-265 (in Russian).
Limansky Y.P., Gulyar S.A., Tamarova Z.A. BIOPTRON-induced analgesia: 10. Involvment of opioid-ergic system in analgetic effect of polarized light on antinociceptive acupuncture points. Anthology of light therapy. Proceedings. Kyiv: ВІР NAS of Ukraine, 2009: - C. 266-275 (in Russian).
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