
  • V. I. Tkachenko National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education by P. L. Shupyk
  • B. M. Mankovskyi National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education by P. L. Shupyk
  • V. V. Krasnov National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education by P. L. Shupyk
  • L. Yu. Babintseva National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education by P. L. Shupyk



The assessment of results of new guidelines’ implementation in type 2 diabetes and quality of care is actual in Ukraine. The aim of our research is to develop a simple methodology for assessing the quality of diabetes care during new diabetes guideline implementation in Ukraine. Materials and Methods. We conducted a systematic review of S6 Ukrainian and 148 foreign literature in assessment of diabetes care, quality indicators, based on which our method was formed, its approbation was held. Statistical analysis was performed using Excel 2007, SPSS, Statistica 6.0. Results. We have developed a questionnaire by adapting existing English-language questionnaire GUIDANCE to Ukrainian health care system and added questions about knowledge and results of implementation new Ukrainian guidelines in diabetes care. The validation of questionnaire included expertise on content validity, reliability (Cronbach’s alpha level = 0.87), the sensitivity (0.7) and specificity (0.82). The method consists of use developed questionnaire for doctors in conjunction with the data of statistical reports and valid versions of questionnaires for diabetes patients ADDQoL DTSQ. The example of application of this method for assessment the quality of diabetes care is described and was informative. The proposed method allows to analyze all aspects of the quality of diabetes care.


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How to Cite

Tkachenko, V. I., Mankovskyi, B. M., Krasnov, V. V., & Babintseva, L. Y. (2015). METHOD OF ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF DIABETES CARE WITH QUESTIONNAIRE FOR DOCTORS. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (2).


