Innovative processes in modem society, of course, touched and medicine. Caused by their structural and organizational changes in health care require a rethinking of many postulates, increased reserves, and most importantly - bringing the most advanced technology.
Particular attention is drawn to the area such as Rehabilitology and its practical implementation - Rehabilitation of patients. The success of the solutions of problems of rehabilitation is defined as the presence of the appropriate material and technical base and a sufficient level of training of medical personnel and methodological level of medicine in general. Therefore, a permanent modification of scientific and practical problems of rehabilitation under the influence of processes occurring in health care is inevitable.
Purpose - conceptual generalization prospects of Rehabilitation in modern medicine on the basis of extensive use of information technology. The goal of rehabilitation should be not only to restore health, but also in restoring the dignity of man, his social and social independence. Such judgments are more and more in the latest definitions of the concept of rehabilitation.
Information technology - this is the provision that allows you to raise the level of rehabilitation care through the introduction of new organizational methods, new ways and means of rehabilitation. Knowledge of current trends of information Rehabilitation, of course, is a basis for determining further ways to improve the industry. Conventionally, there are three main areas of information technology in Rehabilitation: the automation of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of medical information to support decision-making, telerehabilitation.
The authors propose a new concept of rehabilitation. Its main differences are the three concepts: the rehabilitation program should be considered, ranging from inpatient treatment period, patient risk monitoring of the pathological process is the link that unites medical monitoring strategy and the impact on the patient, the need for analysis and standardization of variants of the rehabilitation period on the basis of principles of medical ontology. In the new coordinate system created becomes relevant issue is not the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, and the mechanisms of the transition state of the body from illness to health.
The paper also proposed the original division of the rehabilitation period, into 4 stages: clinical, sanatorium, residual, adaptation.
Given that rehabilitation programs are individually designed for each patient, taking into account the general condition, the characteristics of the disease, the initial level of physical condition, the patient’s personality, age, gender, occupation, etc., they can be viewed as a project or pre-plan the system of measures.
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