



lung cancer, histogenesis, growth in alveoli


Background. Lung cancer (LC) is the most common malignant tumor in humans. The clinical course of this disease is characterized by late diagnosis, high mortality and poor prognosis. Studing the histogenesis of LC will reveal the features of initial and prolonged growth and explain the mentioned state of the problem. The aim: to determine the histogenesis, features of growth and histological structure of LC.

Material and methods. The operative material of 120 patients with LC was studied. Histological preparations stained with hematoxylin and eosin and by the Papanicolaou method were studied. Different levels of proliferative activity of LC cells were determined by a number of morphological features and by immunohistochemical indicators with monoclonal antibodies - Ki67; PCNA. Histological studies were performed at magnifications: X200; X400; X1000.

Results. The study of histological preparations of LC, which are most often found in oncology practice - squamous cell (49), glandular (66) and small cell (5), revealed the growth of a cancerous tumor in the alveoli. According to a complex of histological and immunohistochemical indicators, it was determined that the growth of the cancerous tumor started from the basement membrane and grew towards the center of the alveolus. When tumor grown to the center of the alveolus, signs of decay of cancer cells were observed, which separated from the solid part of the tumor and fell into necrotic masses, which are the result of the decay of cancer, which is characteristic of a tumor remote from the blood supply.

Conclusions. It has been proven that the main histological types of LC grows in the alveoli and begins from the basal membrane, where the stem cells are located, to the middle of the alveoli. The obtained data are confirmed by the structural, cellular features and the nature of tumor growth in the center of the alveoli, which corresponds to the general patterns of the development of cancer tumors and necrosis with a lack of blood supply.


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How to Cite

Bolhova, L. S., Tuganova, T. M., Alekseenko, O. I., Ponomarenko, A. O., & Zaharichev, V. D. (2023). HISTOGENESIS OF LUNG CANCER - STAGES OF INVESTIGATION. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (3), 30–41. https://doi.org/10.11603/mie.1996-1960.2022.3.13371


