
  • V. V. Vishnevskey Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems problems of NAS of Ukraine
  • V. A. Gavrylyuk Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



health targets, healt, personified medicine, individual health trajectory


Background. The valueological viewpoint on personalized medicine is formed in the article. The authors analyze the attainability of such EU health targets as «increasing lifespane» and «increasing well-being» in their systemic relationship. The article provides a brief overview of valeological health assessment systems. The review focuses on the system of Dr. Apanasenko, one of the founders of the Ukrainian school of valeology. This system has been tested for over 30 years.

Materials and methods. Results. The presence of these systems explains the fundamental possibility of quantitative measurement of the level of individual health. The authors use this possibility to introduce a new definition — «individual health trajectory».

Based on the analysis of idealized individual health trajectories in the nineteenth century and now, the authors shows the shortcomings of the target «lifespane» for the current state of health care. It is shown that at present the average «individual health trajectories» of patients are such that an increase in life expectancy is achieved in conditions of a low level of individual health of the patient. In fact, we are talking about extending life in a chronic disease and reducing well-being. To ensure the reach of the health target of «increasing well-being», the necessity of changing the paradigm of «personalized medicine» is shown.

Conclusions. According to the authors, the goal and content of personalized medicine should be the focused activity of the doctor and patient in the direct of managing the individual trajectory of the patient's health. This activity should be based on constant monitoring of a quantitative assessment of the patient's health throughout his life. A new mobile devices and information technologies can be used to support this activity.


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How to Cite

Vishnevskey, V. V., & Gavrylyuk, V. A. (2020). VALEOLOGICAL VIEWPOINT FOR PERSONIFIED MEDICINE. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (2), 132–136.


