
  • V . Kalnysh State Institution "INSTITUTE FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"
  • А. Shvets Research institute of military medicine problems of Ukrainian AF , Irpin
  • А. Butsyk State Institution "INSTITUTE FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"



The content-analysis of up to date literature has been carried out and on this basis the basic psychophysiological elements of different emotional status’s formation has been revealed. The approaches of this condition’s computer modeling have been developed at the realization of operator activity. The questions of computer model’s construction of emotional status formation in the human-operator have been discovered.


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How to Cite

Kalnysh, V. ., Shvets А., & Butsyk А. (2012). THE APPROACHES OF EMOTIONAL COMPUTER MODELING AT THE REALIZATION OF OPERATOR ACTIVITY. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (4).


