efficiency of work, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) complex of facilities, development, personnel management.Abstract
Now, the use of enterprise resource planning systems, or EPR systems in medicine may names as a new direction of development. While in turn these systems began with medical institutions, namely, the accounting of drugs and patients, and over time, they adapted to the requirements of both small and large businesses, gaining enormous popularity. The development of such system for medical establishments of Ukraine is a very topical problem, since it is possible to solve many questions from the list of medicines, to effective personnel management and to predict the number of diseases. The article considers a complex of tools that may be used to improve the work of the "OKHMATDIT" hospital. The complex of software, which is aimed at resource planning, financial accounting, personnel management, logistics management, etc. is considered. That is to use all the capabilities of such systems configured them for a particular purpose.
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