


The structural unit of the life on earth is a cell. An important aspect of the existence of cells, as a unit of life, is its capacity for elimination of non-viable or defective units from the system without damage of other units. Studies have revealed growth of the number of papers devoted to systematic research of the programmed cell death (PCD). Based on the results of the analysis of literary sources, the scheme of the levels of «events» which initiates a cascade of the PCD was formalized also the levels were described. The main directions of research was revealed, the overwhelming number of which include the investigations in which were developed the levels higher than level of molecular interaction, according to our proposed ontological model of programmed cell death. We had found the bifurcational nature of the signal chain of PCD and had investigated the role of components that had been assigned by us to levels lower than the level of molecular interaction. Based on these data, we proposed the concentration of ions promoters and inhibitors of PCD as a marker of development and control of programmed cells' death processes. The results of this research are the basis for the systematic study of ways to the origin, development and management of the active cascade of programmed cell death.


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How to Cite

Mintser, O. P., & Vatlitsov, D. V. (2015). THE ONTOLOGICAL MODEL OF THE PROCESSES OF PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (2).


