The article presents the some approaches to create a system support of making decision during miniinvasive diabetic vitrectomy in patients with diabetic proliferative retinopathy, promotes objective assessment of individual risk-management for patient and allows optimize ophthalmological care for them. This was a retrospective study of 145 patients (145 eyes) who underwent combined sutureless vitrectomy for the complications of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The study and analysis of the clinical characteristics (N-145) and 60 kinds of complications have selected 33 factors, characterizing the general condition of the patient, ophthalmic status which have been integrated into the risk map. Prediction of surgical intervention was determined by the amount of points. Total risk was studied in three samples of “training” (145 patients), «control» (50 patients) and the “examination” (30 cases). Based on 225 observations determined the dependence of an adverse operation of points of risk and identified 4 risk levels: low risk (first stage), the likelihood of an adverse outcome is less than 0.05; average risk is the likelihood of an adverse outcome is 0.05-0.4; high risk-the probability of an adverse up 0.41-0.9 and extreme risks, the likelihood of an adverse outcome is greater than 0.9.References
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