
  • O. P. Mintser Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine
  • V. P. Karlenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Ya. O. Shevchenko Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine
  • O. O. Sukhanova Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine



clustering, functional states, diagnostic process, stable states, alternative steady states


Background. Issues are considered and a pilot analysis of data on the possibility of allocating stable states of the body during exercise. As an example, selected indicators of ergospirometry and dynamics of heart rate (HR) in 7 men and 6 women, the main members of the national team of Ukraine in biathlon. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibility of allocating clusters of stable physiological states of biathletes, their recurrence, the relationship with physiological indicators and to identify barriers that negatively affect the timely adjustment of the functional state of athletes.

Materials and methods. Results. It is concluded that the clustering of the functional state of athletes in the competitive process confirmed the hypothesis that they have several stable states, detection and interpretation of changes which are possible to achieve maximum results in competitions with a certain duration of monitoring and personalized assessment of change trajectory. Most methods of automatic clustering of states in athletes give similar results. Considering that biological objects projects are able to create their own norms and constantly harmonize their capabilities to ensure the stability of functioning, it is essential to formalize biological concepts of stable states.

Conclusions. The use of the paradigm of steady states as a combination of constant physiological indicators (under non-extreme influences of external factors) can significantly facilitate the solution of the problem of predicting the results of the training process in athletes.


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How to Cite

Mintser, O. P., Karlenko, V. P., Shevchenko, Y. O., & Sukhanova, O. O. (2021). CLUSTERIZATION OF FUNCTIONAL STATES OF THE ORGANISM. PILOT STUDY. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (2), 4–13.


