
  • O. V. Sarkanych Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



Background. Issues of continuous professional development of rehabilitation specialists, doctors of sanatorium profile are considered. Possibilities of distance education and features of assessment of competences and knowledge of doctors in mobile medicine are analyzed. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the strategy of rehabilitation programs for rehabilitation and assess the possibility of remote testing.

Materials and methods. Results. It is offered to use logic of construction of hierarchy of clinical data — ontological models for tasks of training of doctors of sanatorium-resort direction. A rehabilitation-oriented ontology is proposed that provides the necessary explanations and provides personalization capabilities based on the structural connections between clinical concepts in the ontology. Remote provision of medical care is possible under the condition of appropriate conceptualization, which is based on the principles of substantiation of steady states, trigger-cascade representations, use of ontologies of knowledge. At the postgraduate stage of education of a specialist, distance learning should become an important part of the educational process. Communication with patients, and especially people with disabilities, imposes special requirements on rehabilitation specialists for their professional training in compliance with the rules of ethics and deontology. Improving the knowledge of moral, ethical and deontological bases of communication with patients and the peculiarities of the psychological state of people with disabilities will contribute to a conflict-free atmosphere of treatment and recovery of patients.

Conclusions. The general dissemination of information does not guarantee its quality and reliability, although it contributes to the formation of more conscious and independent professionals. The traditional communication model of education has given way to more open and participatory models in which physicians, acting in a wide range of learning environments and networks, share information and knowledge with other participants.


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