Influence of combined action of nanotubes and tetrachloromethane on the state of humoral link immune system


  • N. Ya. Letniak I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • M. M. Korda I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



carbon nanotubes, tetrachloromethane, immunoglobulins.


Introduction. With everyday increase in the pace of use of nanomaterials, less attention is paid to the possible negative effect of nanoparticles on the health of people and environmental safety as a whole. The ability of nanotubes to transport medicines and chemicals inside the cell raises the question of the potential possibility of increasing the toxic effects of classical toxicants when their coagulation in the body with nanotube.

The aim of the study – to investigate the ability of carbon nanotubes and chemical toxicant tetrachloromethane to cause changes in the state of humoral immune system.

Research Methods. The experiments were performed on outbred male rats, which were administered intraperitoneally with 0.5 ml of suspension of single-walled, multi-walled or multi-walled functionalized by COOH nanotubes (60 mg/kg) separately or together with tetrachloromethane (2 ml/kg). The animals were taken out of the experiment in 3, 6 and 48 hours after the administration of the nanotubes and tetrachloromethane. Circulating immune complexes and classes of immunoglobulins А, М, G were measured in rat blood plasma.

Results and Discussion. It has been shown that only multi-walled carbon nanotubes changed significantly the studied parameters. The administration of tetrachloromethane to rats caused significant changes of all indices.
Maximal changes of all parameters were registered in the group of animals that were co-administered with carbon nanotubes and tetrachloromethane. In this case, activities of circulating immune complexes and classes of immunoglobulins G blood significantly changed compared to the similar indicators in the group of animals, which were administered with the chemical toxicant only.

Conclusion. Carbon nanotubes enhance the negative toxic effects of tetrachloromethane.


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How to Cite

Letniak, N. Y., & Korda, M. M. (2018). Influence of combined action of nanotubes and tetrachloromethane on the state of humoral link immune system. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 27–32.

