Problem of assessment of pesticides neurotoxicity for the development of organism
рesticides, nervous system, neurological disorders, prenatal period, postnatal period, guideline 426.Abstract
Introduction. The results of many independent studies indicate a potential hazard to human health after exposure to chemical agents, in particular pesticides. Pesticides are chemical compounds that are widely used in agriculture, forestry, industry and everyday life for the control of pests. Pesticides are one of the environmental pollutants. Despite of the precautionary sanitary and hygienic measures in use, there is an increase in the presence of pesticides in atmospheric air, indoor and outdoor air, also in the processing of agricultural land in the soil and reservoirs; there is a presence of residual amounts in food. All these factors contribute to the enter of these compounds in the human body, which in future may be one of the causes of various diseases of chemical etiology. The nervous system during of ontogeny is one of the most vulnerable to the influence of chemicals. According to epidemiological evidence suggests that exposure to chemicals, including pesticides on the body in the pre- and postnatal period may lead to such neurological disorders in children as autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities and emotional and behavioural problems. Epidemiological observations indicate the association of these compounds with the development of the nervous system in children, but it is difficult to identify. The main source of information on possible negative effects of pesticides is the results obtained in experiments on laboratory animals. OECD guideline 426 focuses on the study of the functional development of the nervous system under the influence of pesticides in the pre and postnatal period.
The aim of the study – to learn modern sources of literature on the study of the relationship between the action of pesticides on the body of pregnant women and the development of the fetus.
Conclusion. Determination of the potential danger of pesticides for the developing organism is a priority. Scientific publications on epidemiological data indicate the relationship of exposure of pesticides in the pre- and postnatal period to the emergence of neurological disorders in descendants.
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