The problem of assessment of reproductive toxicity (gonadotoxic) pesticides
reproductive system, reproductive toxicity, pesticide, reproductive health.Abstract
Introduction. The deterioration of women's reproductive health, which is manifested in increased morbidity among pregnant women, reducing the number of normal births and to increase the variance of fetal development is of particular concern. It is known, that female reproductive system is especially sensitive to influence of negative factors of any origin.
The aim of the study – to investigate the problems of assessment of reproductive toxicity of pesticides.
Research Methods. We used general scientific research methods. They include analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, abstraction and specification, system analysis, formalization.
Results and Discussion. Among the diseases that negatively affect reproductive health as a factor increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy, infertility, disorders of menstruation, the appearance of tumors, significant importance are the inflammatory diseases of female genital organs. The incidence of this pathology remains high and is about 130.0/10 thousand women. Fundamental research of recent decades has allowed determining the basic mechanisms of the functioning of the reproductive system in women. Traced the relationship between ovarian function and the secretion of gonadotropins, mechanisms of regulation folliculogenesis in the ovaries, we formed a theory about the influence of sex hormones on the tonic and cyclic secretion of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland, proven the rhythm of their secretion. This allowed us to determine not only the main regularities of the functioning of the reproductive system in norm, but also to establish the types of its disorders in various pathological conditions. pathological processes of the internal genital organs lead, to impairment of reproductive function in women which list each year is gradually updated and refined, which greatly contributes to the development of new and improvement of existing methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnosis. The notion of reproductive toxicity of chemical substances in the context of the identification of their risk to the reproductive system involves the ability of tested compounds to induce breach of its reproductive function in adult animals, and abnormal development in the offspring. However, it should be noted that for a number of reasons for the study of pathogenetic disorders in the process of embryogenesis is taken out of the context of all other studies to assess reproductive toxicity and methodologically radically different from them.
Conclusions. Our analysis of experimental and analytical data on reproductive toxicity showed the following: 1) 67 % of the pesticides belong to substances that can cause adverse effects on the function of reproduction; 2) among all the pesticides that have been subjected to study in the test system several generations of animals, and about 9% have selective toxic effect on the reproduction function; 3) a selective effect of pesticides on the reproduction function does not depend on the toxicity of drugs. The likelihood of identifying compounds with selective reproductive toxicity is approximately the same level for preparations 1-3 hazard class acute systemic toxicity. Based on the obtained results, we can speak about the importance of studying the characteristics of toxic action of pesticides on the reproductive system and search of new approaches in the assessment of reproductive toxicity (gonadotoxiс) pesticides
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