The content of ascorbic acid in the liver and adrenal glands of rats during correction of alimentary hypothyrosis by an iodine of a different chemical nature
hypothyrosis, ascorbic acid, organic iodine, inorganic iodine, liver, adrenal glands.Abstract
Introduction. Metabolisms of vitamins, trace elements and hormones are closely linked. The connection between ascorbic acid and hormones, in particular derivatives of tyrosine and steroids, determines its importance for the activity of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and liver. The most common thyroid pathology is hypothyroidism, caused by iodine deficiency. For its treatment and prevention, compounds that contain iodine of different chemical nature are used.
The aim of the study – to compare the effect of the action of organic and inorganic iodine on the content of ascorbic acid (AA) in the liver and adrenal glands.
Research Methods. The study was conducted in the model conditions of alimentary hypothyroidism on 80 white nonlinear male rats weighing 0.140–0.160 kg, which for 30 days were in an isocaloric starch-casein ration. Adjustment of iodine deficiency was carried out on three doses of iodine (21, 50, 100 μg/kg body weight), which animals uptaked with potassium iodide (inorganic iodine) and iodine-protein preparation from the Black Sea industrial red algae of Phyllophora nervosa (DС.) Grev (organic iodine). The content of AA in the tissues was determined using Tillman’s reagent.
Results and Discussion. In conditions of alimentary hypothyroidism, the level of AA in the investigated organs was significantly reduced, which may indicate a decrease in the activity of metabolic processes. The consumption of both iodine-containing substances at a dose of 21 μg/kg was accompanied by a probable increase in the content of AА in the liver. Under the influence of 50 μg/kg iodine, its level in the rat’s liver and adrenal glands reached the levels of intact rats, but under use organic iodine the level of AA was higher. When receiving 100 μg/kg of iodine, the content of AA in organs was significantly reduced relative to the achieved parameters and in the adrenal glands was at the level of parameters of rats that did not consume iodine-containing compounds.
Conclusions. The intake of both inorganic and organic iodine contribute to an increase in the content of AA in the liver and adrenal glands, which is a prerequisite for activating the activity of the thyroid gland, while the effect of organic iodine is more powerful. The effect of both iodine-containing preparations on the liver is greater, which may be a sign of its greater sensitivity to the strengthening of thyroid hormonepoise and indicate an increase in its metabolic activity.
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