Changes of antioxidant-prooxidant system and its medicamental correction with combination of urolithiasis and periodontitis


  • Z. O. Bumbar Danylo Halytskyi Lviv national medical university
  • O. R. Pinyazhko Danylo Halytskyi Lviv national medical university



periodontal diseases, urolithiasis, combined pharmacotherapy, peroxide oxidation of lipids.


Introduction. The article presents the results of biochemical studies of enzymes, intermediate and final products of prooxidant-peroxidic processes in periodontal diseases against the background of urolithiasis in the dynamics of treatment and in the aspect of the presenting of comparison of two drug regimens: standard common and developed pathogenetic.

The presented data represent a fragment of the scientific and practical research performed to improve the periodontal care in patients with urolithiasis.

The aim of the study – to analyze the biochemical studies performed in patients with comorbid pathology after combined pharmacotherapy. The biomaterial was studied in 60 patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases on the background of urolithiasis. Two different pharmacotherapeutic regimens were used to treat patients.

Research Methods. A series of biochemical studies was carried out to objectify the results. According to the obtained data, the application of the developed treatment regimen in patients with comorbid pathology provided normalization of the antioxidant protection system in catalase parameters from 1.99±0.14 at the beginning of treatment to 1.66±0.04 after treatment and superoxidedismutase from 1.40±0, 12 to 2.10±0.07, as well as a decrease in the levels of intermediate and final products of peroxidation.

Results and Discussion. The analysis of the results of the observation showed high efficiency of combined pharmacotherapy.

Conclusions. Thus, according to the resulted biochemical indicators, application of standard and developed treatment regimens ensured the normalization of the activity of the enzymatic level of the antioxidant system and reduced the intensity of the oxidative processes. An analysis of the results of the studies suggests a higher efficiency of the combined pharmacotherapy, since antioxidant protection indicators in patients treated under the developed scheme, normalized faster than when administered under the traditional generally accepted protocol.


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How to Cite

Bumbar, Z. O., & Pinyazhko, O. R. (2018). Changes of antioxidant-prooxidant system and its medicamental correction with combination of urolithiasis and periodontitis. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (4), 51–56.

