Metabolic processes in the small intestine wall, heart and liver in experimental intake of carrageenan


  • O. M. Kopanytsia Rivne State Basic Medical College, Rivne
  • M. I. Marushchak Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • A. A. Shcherbatyy Rivne State Basic Medical College, Rivne



κ-carrageenan, lipid peroxidation, small intestine, heart, liver, experiment.


Introduction. In the scientific literature there is a large number of publications on the chemical modification of carrageenans, the relationship between the chemical structure and their biological activity, and new opportunities for their usage in medicine. That is whyit is modern to study the properties and the state of organs and systems of the body in case of carrageenan intake.

The aim of the study – to learn the indices of metabolic processes in the wall of the small intestine, myocardium and liver of experimental animals using 1% carrageenan solution.

Research Methods. The study was carried out on 24 white non-linear male rats. The animals of the experimental group were provided with free access to a 1.0% of carrageenan solution for 1 month. In the selected samples of the small intestine, heart and liver was evaluated the intensity of the processes of lipid peroxidation by the content of hydroperoxides and TBA-active products.

Results and Discussion. It was found that the intake of a 1% solution of κ-carrageenan led to activation of lipid peroxidation both in the wall of the small intestine and in the tissues of the liver and myocardium, however, their intensity was different. The lipoperoxidation activity was highest in the small intestine wall, while the hydroperoxides and TBA-active products were less in the myocardial tissues. So, the oral usage of carrageenan in the form of a 1% water solution has a direct and indirect damaging effect on the free radical processes in the body.

Conclusions. Oral administration of a 1% carrageenan solution in experimental animals leads to statistically significant activation of free radical oxidation processes in the small intestine wall, heart and liver tissues, characterized by an increase in the content of both primary and secondary products of lipoperoxidation (p<0.05).


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How to Cite

Kopanytsia, O. M., Marushchak, M. I., & Shcherbatyy, A. A. (2017). Metabolic processes in the small intestine wall, heart and liver in experimental intake of carrageenan. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (3), 108–113.

