The multifaceted personage of IVAN HORBACHEVSKY
scientist, scientific achievements, Ivan Horbachevsky.Abstract
Introduction. Ivan Horbachevsky, native of the Ternopil region, is an outstanding figure in the Ukrainian history. Despite the fact that he had spent almost all his life in the foreign land, he was the faithful son of his Motherland. Ivan Horbachevsky was the first ethnic Ukrainian, who was appointed the health minister in the government of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The name of Ivan Horbachevsky was being forgotten for a long time inequitably, even though his figure has high historical importance not only forGalicia, but also for wholeUkraine. It should be underlined, that his name has the same significance for Ukrainians as the famous names of Ivan Franko and Solomia Krushelnytska. Taking into account Horbachevsky’s contibutions to our country, in 1992 Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine took the decision to give the name of this great scientist to the Ternopil Medical Institute. And in this year I. HorbachevskyTernopilStateMedicalUniversity celebrates its 60th anniversary.
The aim of the study – to highlight scientific achievements and outline the main milestones in the life of such outstanding person, as Ivan Horbachevsky. This will be the invaluable gift for both present and future generations.
Conclusions. The life of Ivan Horbachevsky could be an example for all of us, for all contemporaries, and his scientific contributions will be alive forever and will be continued in the numerous works of his followers. No doubt that every scientist and student of the institution should not only know and remember him, but also followed working and citizenship position of our great compatriot Ivan Horbachevsky.
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