Analysis of the of assortment of medicines with hemostatic effect


  • U. V. Кarpiuk Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil



antihemorrhagic medicines, assortment analysis, pharmaceutical market of hemostatics.


Introduction. Taking into account the variability of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, the economic and political situation in the country, the analysis of the assortment of antihemorrhagic medicines makes it possible to identify factors affecting the provision of pharmaceutical care and the direction of improving the physical and economic accessibility of the medicines of this sigment.

The aim of the study to examine the assortment of antihemorrhagic drugs, which are presented on the domestic pharmaceutical market and to identify the place of herbal drugs.

Methods of the research. The range of drugs and the dynamics of sales were studied with the help of additional electronic resources and analytical systems.

Results and Discussions. It was determined that the structure of assortment of medicines with hemostatic action was formed by the group B02 antihemorrhagic means. Analysis of registered drugs for the individual active substances showed that in this group the maximum proportion of products contain blood clotting factors and tranexamic acid. Countries that export antihemorrhagic medicines to Ukrainian pharmaceutical market were determined. The main domestic manufacturers of assortment of medicines with hemostatic action were also set. Segmentation of the market for medicines dosage forms, showed the advantage of parenteral forms. Antihemorrhagic herbal medicines occupy only 12.5 % of the total assortment.

Conclusions. The conducted researches give grounds to assert about the prospects and necessity of development of herbal medicines with hemostatic action.


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How to Cite

Кarpiuk U. V., & Kyslychenko, V. S. (2017). Analysis of the of assortment of medicines with hemostatic effect. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 53–59.

